Can You Change the Shape of Your Eyes with Plastic Surgery?

Brow Lift in Northern Alabama and the Huntsville AreaPlastic surgery is commonly used to improve the appearance, either by enhancing facial features or by addressing signs of aging. In fact, some plastic surgery procedures can even do both of these things at once! This is the case with brow lift surgery – although it is primarily used to address signs of aging in the browline and forehead, it has the added benefit of rejuvenating the eyes and giving them a more youthful shape. Below, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about the brow lift surgery.

How Does Brow Lift Surgery Work?

As we age, the skin on the forehead begins to sag from repeated muscle contractions and facial expressions. Over time, this causes the formation of forehead wrinkles, wrinkles between the brows and a sagging browline. Once the browline begins to sag, it can cause a tired, angry or otherwise weathered appearance. Many people feel like this alters the shape of their eyes, thereby changing their whole appearance. The brow lift surgery lifts and tightens the skin on the forehead, lifting the browline to a more youthful position. In addition to smoothing out forehead wrinkles, the brow lift will rejuvenate the eyes and may even improve their appearance.

What is the Brow Lift Procedure Like?

During the brow lift procedure, which is performed with the aid of anesthesia, an incision is made around the ears and along the hairline, where any scarring will be well-concealed. Then, excess skin is removed and tightened to raise the browline and produce a more youthful appearance. Afterwards, the incisions will be sealed and the treatment will be complete. Following the brow lift procedure, patients can expect some swelling, bruising and varying discomfort in the treatment area. However, the brow lift procedure has a fairly brief recovery period compared to other facial surgeries. Within approximately two weeks, patients will be able to return to their usual activities and routines.

What Results Can I Expect from a Brow Lift?

While there will be some noticeable results immediately following the brow lift treatment, the full results will become visible once the initial recovery period has passed. As a surgical treatment, the brow lift procedure can produce results that last for several years, helping patients rejuvenate the forehead and the eyes in one simple treatment.

Am I A Good Candidate for a Brow Lift?

If you are considering the brow lift procedure, contact us today at Nease Cosmetic Surgery to schedule a consultation with Dr. Nease. During your visit, you can discuss your cosmetic goals and review your treatment options to ensure that the brow lift procedure is the right fit for you.