Kybella® in Northern Alabama and the Huntsville Area

Unhappy with a double chin? Have you given up on trying to get rid of it? Kybella® to the rescue! Dr. Carey Nease is triple board-certified and proud to offer Kybella® cosmetic services to men and women in Scottsboro, Ft. Payne, Huntsville and surrounding areas of north Alabama.

Kybella® in Northern Alabama and the Huntsville Area

What is Kybella®?

Kybella® in Northern Alabama and the Huntsville AreaKybella® is currently the only dermal injectable approved by the FDA for eliminating a double chin in adults. It uses a synthetic version of a bile molecule that occurs naturally in the body to metabolize fat. It’s exceptionally effective in eradicating fat cells in a double chin, also known as “submental fullness.”

This has proven to be a game changer for adults battling their double chin, since prior to Kybella®, submental fullness was typically treated with a surgical procedure, such as a tuck or liposuction.


View more Kybella Before and After Pictures

How Much Does Kybella® Cost in North Alabama and Huntsville area?

The cost of Kybella® can vary from person to person, depending on the extent of the treatment performed and other variables. During your initial consultation, a treatment plan will be determined and an accurate cost can be given to you at that time.

Many insurance companies do not cover the cost of cosmetic procedures. In an effort to keep patient procedures as affordable as possible, we offer complimentary consultations along with a variety of payment methods. We accept cash, major credit cards and financing through CareCredit®.

What Are the Benefits of Kybella®?

Kybella® has numerous benefits and most patients are very satisfied with their results after seeing their double chin disappear. Some of the other benefits associated with Kybella® include:

  • Minimally invasive – involves several small injections to the area beneath the chin
  • Results are permanent – the fat cells are destroyed and will not return
  • Short procedure time – generally takes less than 30 minutes
  • Adds definition to the chin and jawline
  • Boosts self-confidence and gives a younger look to your appearance

Am I a Good Candidate for Kybella®?

If you’re a healthy adult dealing with a double chin or excessive fat in the neck area, and you’d rather not have surgery, you may be a good candidate for Kybella® treatment.

It’s important to understand Kybella® deals only with removal of fat cells. It doesn’t tighten loose skin or lift sagging muscles. It will not enhance, plump up or augment like dermal fillers, and it won’t relax wrinkles in the neck.

As long as you work with the doctor to make sure your expectations align with what’s actually possible, Kybella® may be the perfect solution for you.

What is Kybella® Recovery Like?

Recovery typically lasts from about two days to two weeks. Following the brief procedure, you may experience some bruising and swelling. The bulk of the swelling should subside within those first 48 hours or so, but there may be some residual minor swelling along with bruising for several days after.

It’s recommended you stay home and rest for a couple of days before returning to work or your normal routine. Many patients choose to have their treatment right before the weekend, giving them a couple of days to rest and recuperate.

For optimal results and the speediest recovery time, read and follow the post-procedure instructions given to you following your Kybella® treatment.

Schedule a Consultation

To learn more about Kybella®, or other facial rejuvenation procedures offered at Nease Cosmetic Surgery, contact us to schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Nease. Our offices are pleased to offer services to men and women in Scottsboro, Ft. Payne, Huntsville and surrounding areas of north Alabama.