Gynecomastia in Chattanooga, Nashville and Scottsboro

Gynecomastia surgery, also called male breast reduction, is critically important to men suffering with the challenge of enlarged breasts. Dr. Carey Nease and his professional staff at Nease Cosmetic Surgery provide gynecomastia surgery to patients in Chattanooga, Nashville, Scottsboro and surrounding communities.


What is Gynecomastia Surgery?

Gynecomastia in Northern Alabama and the Huntsville AreaGynecomastia refers to the swelling or enlargement of breast tissue in men. It’s commonly caused when the levels of male estrogen get too high or become out of balance with the levels of testosterone. Gynecomastia surgery is often called male breast reduction.

How Much Does Gynecomastia Surgery Cost?

Most male breast reductions performed at Nease Cosmetic Surgery average $7,500. Male breast reduction costs can vary, depending on the complexity of the operation as well as other contributing factors. Dr. Nease will thoroughly discuss your specific case during your initial consultation and can give you an accurate cost at that time.

Insurance companies seldom cover the cost of purely cosmetic surgeries and procedures. It’s important to check with your insurance provider to find out which surgeries are eligible for coverage. At Nease Cosmetic Surgery, we try to keep procedures as affordable for our patients as possible. We do this by offering complimentary consultations as well as a variety of payment methods, including cash, major credit cards, and financing through CareCredit®.

What Are the Benefits of Male Breast Reduction Surgery?

There are numerous benefits of gynecomastia surgery, and most men who undergo male breast reduction are very pleased with their results. Common benefits include:

  • Reduced look of “breasts”
  • Flatter, more masculine chest contours
  • Increased self-confidence
  • Improved self-image
  • Decreased embarrassment and self-consciousness

Am I a Good Candidate for Gynecomastia Surgery?

If you don’t smoke or use drugs, and you’re an adult male in good health who is bothered by breasts you feel are larger than they should be, chances are you’ll be a good candidate for male breast reduction.

Ideal candidates have typically tried other means of reducing or eliminating the condition, but have been unable to attain their desired results. It’s important that you go into gynecomastia surgery with realistic expectations. Your surgeon can help you in making sure your desired goal is achievable.

There should be nothing in your past or current medical condition that would preclude you from having surgery or would interfere in any way with the healing process.

What is Gynecomastia Surgery Recovery Like?

Generally speaking, the recovery phase following male breast reduction is relatively mild. Pain is usually minimal and can be controlled with over-the-counter medications. You may be sore for the first few days, but the soreness should subside while you’re resting at home.

You may experience a bit of swelling in the chest area, but most patients are able to go back to work after about a week or so of taking it easy. After a couple of weeks, you should be able to gradually resume your normal activities, including exercise.

Your surgeon will provide a list of post-op instructions based on your specific case. For optimal recovery results, read and follow them carefully.

Schedule Your Gynecomastia Consultation Today

To find out more about whether gynecomastia surgery is the right option for you, contact us today to set up a private consultation. Nease Cosmetic Surgery is pleased to offer our services to patients in Chattanooga, Nashville, Scottsboro and surrounding communities.